Thursday, April 4, 2013

What remedies do I use to keep my kids healthy?
Thats probably the number one question I get asked by friends. We use general natural foods products like Sambu (black elderberry extract) Kyolic liquid garlic, Oil of Oregano ya know the usual potions you have lying about. LOL! In all seriousness.... I love these products! We ALWAYS have them on hand! You never know when you may start getting sick with the flu or just a cold.

WE HATE BEING SICK....... which is why our family swears by theses amazing remedies!

* Sambu ( black elderberry extract) 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hrs until you feel better! Take a spoonful if you've been around lots of people, it helps protect your cells from invaders!!

* Kyloic garlic- we like the aged liquid squirt in w/ apple juice every 3-4 hrs Garlic has been known to help rid the body of excess mucous! We even gave it to them as babies!!!

* Oil of Oregano-Very expensive, very potent! We rub generously a few drops mixed w/ olive oil on back, chest & bottms of your feet. It helps break up mucous! Stops kids coughing @ night almost immediately! Also, rub on neck if you have a sore throat!

We also use EMERGEN- C vitamin c packets ( 6 a day) especially when sick.

Probiotics are also important to incorporate into your daily routine of wellness! Wellness starts & ends in the GUT! Probiotics are friendly bacteria found in "cultured  foods" that help aid in digestion & keep us well.

Where on Earth do I buy ALL these amazing remedies you ask? Why at Nature's Bin of course!

Please pass this BLOG onto your friends & family! This is a dream come true for me.... I LOVE sharing my Organic expieriences!!!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and informative ! Thanks for the great ideas . U r very knowledgable - I will add these items to my medician cabinet .
